Task 5


How Could Your Film Franchise Have Tried To Use Focus Groups To Determine Content Of The Next Film In The Franchise?

Question 1 – What do you like about the trailer?

Erin – It looks very dramatic and interesting, I especially like all the guns which make it more exciting .

Maddy – It looks more real life than something like the hobbit or star wars, I like that it is action packed.

George – I like the action genre because it is filled with cars and guns this makes it more appealing to guys.

Question 2 – What do you like to see in a spy film 

Erin – I like to see guns and explosions and drama.

Maddy – I like to see mystery and intensity

George – I like to see something puzzling, something that needs to be solved.

 Question 3 – Would you pay to go and see it?

Erin – Yes I would pay to go and see it.

Maddy – I would only go if a friend offered to take me but I wouldn’t go and see it of my own back.

George – Yes I would definitely pay to see it.

Question 4 – Which character do you like the most?

Erin – I like M because I like her sassy attitude and she is a strong female lead.

Maddy – The character i like the most is James partly because he is the only one i have seen the most of plus I do think he plays it really well.

George -Q is my favourite character because he is really intelligent and he has a really witty sense of humour which I think adds to the film a lot.

Question 5 – What are your likes and dislikes?

Erin – I like the main conventions of the film like the cars and guns but in some scene’s they need to be more logical because some of the stunts are unrealistic.

Maddy – I like that there is always something happening but in general, I don’t like the genre because spy films don’t appeal to me.

George – I like the pace of the film because there is always something amazing to watch but I don’t like the villain I think he should be eviler and twisted.


As a result of the focus group, the way I could use this information to improve the next film in the franchise could be to keep all of the explosions and the fast cars and guns because from the focus group those conventions of an action film went down really well, in terms of Maddy wanting to add a bit more of a love story, it could be incorporated into the film to draw in more of a female audience but I don’t think this would be a good move because it could possibly push away the male audience.