Task 3 – James Bond Target Audience

Release Date: October 26, 2015

Budget: $245–250 million

Box Office: $880.7 million

The target audience for James Bond is 12-40 year old men, the reason this film/franchise has such a wide age range is because the bond films have learnt to move with the times, so as the old James Bond films has the old cars that was the best of their time but in the modern films we see some of the latest technology that James uses.

Another cornerstone of the James Bonds success towards its target audience, especially the modern films, is the narrative and the fact that James is one of the best spies in MI6 and of course every man wants to be in that role, so it does play on a lot of fantasies that males have.

spectre-poster-1 This poster would appeal to heterosexual males and heterosexual females.

Males because he is aspirational and men want to be him because he has a life that most males, stereotypically want to be in that that role.

The reason that James Bond can possibly be appealing to women is because of his masculine image.

NRS Social Grade


The NRS social grade is a system that people use to classify people into demographics in the United Kingdom. They was firstly developed by the National Readership Survey to classify readers, but now this system is used in a wider range of industries and have become a classic way for marketing organisations  to target people. The one main feature of this social grade is that it is based around occupation.

I think James Bond will appeal to social grades A down to D, which totals up to 90% of the population the reason that I don’t include the E grade is because James Bond has always moved with the times and is now a more modern character than before i don’t think that particular grade will be able to follow the storyline as well and is less engaging to them. I include the other grades because James Bond is in such a high class position, this makes him very aspirational to most males who I have identified in my analysis.

A reason why the lower class might go and watch this film is because they have a lot of time of their hand therefore they will have a lot of time of their hands becuase they are not working but becuase they might not have a lot of disposeable income they wont go to the cinema as often as the upper class so there fore they are more likey to only go to see a big relase such as this.

The 4 C’s Theory


I think the James Bond audience comes under these four sections in the 4 C’s Theory, Mainstremers, Aspirers,  Strugglers, and heres why i think why;

Mainstreamers – The reason I would say that mainstreamers are included in my selection is becuase comferitist and conventional traits, the genre these movies which is action thiller is very conventional so this group of people are more likly to go and see it.

Aspirers – The reason I picked this group is becuase they are very orintated to image and apperance and James Bond the lead charecter is meant to look very appealing in the way he look all the way thogh to his job which there fore makes him very aspirational to this group.

Stugglers – This group is to be thought as a group with a low skill base. mostly are pysical skills and are more likly to eat junk food and buy alchohol and are also put in to the D and E demographic, therefore seeing someone like James Bond will make them aspire to hom and then want to go and watch the film.

Mosaic UK

D14 ‘Satellite Settlers’ – Mature households living in expanding developments around larger villages with good transport links.

I would tie this in with James Bond becuase of where the family might live, because they have good transport links they will be more likly to go and watch a movie if they are able to get there with ease.

F23 ‘Family Ties’ – Active families with teans and adult children whose prolonged support is eating up household resources.

Families who when didposable income is avaible they will take their children to to cinema, but only to watch a big blockbuster film as this way it is a safer option to not waste your money on a film the family might not like.

066 ‘Student Scene’ – Students living in high density accomodation close to universities and educational centres.

Students often have a lot of free time and they mostly have part time jobs so they will have a bit of disposeable income to spend. Students are also high targets for marketing because of the exposure they have to the tool that marketing agencys like to use, these are things like the internet and televison.