

My idea is I am going to make a travel short film about me going to Dubai, In the short film i would like to show the tourist spots in dubai and show the travel process.

What is your project theme and title?

The title for my film will be Thirty Five Thousand Miles

What do you aim to produce?

For the second idea I want to make a travel blog for travelling to Dubai.

How does your FMP idea relate to your skill set?

My FMP relates to my skill set because of the technical ability I have. I would apply this to things like using the camera and the type of shots I want to capture, for a more cinematic look I would like to use a 50ml lens to give the video more depth. I also aim to use my planning skills, because I plan to film in a different location to my usual surroundings I need to plan what I’m going to capture whilst on location.

What new skills and techniques do you aim to learn?

I aim to learn more about cinematography as I think this will aim my film more and give it more of a professional look, more specifically I want my shots to have a shallow depth of field.