
The overall aim of this project i think was to capture the city of Dubai and Abu Dhabi,, in my short film i think i have done this because in my film i showed some of the biggest land marks in the cities, in the film i also wanted to capture the process of travelling to another side of the world, alothough i wish i would of got more shots of the process of travelling, this included getting shots like getting on the plane or shots of walking through the airport.

When filming my project i tried to make it look as cinematic as possible even though i was filming the whole trip on my iPhone, having said this it turned out much better than i expected, but if i had the opportunity would of liked to film it on a DSLR as that would of giving more options for the look of my project.

I also think that my skills have developed over the course of this filming, it has thought me that to more planning you do the better you project will be at the other end, but most importantly it has taught me that you do not need the most high tech equipment to make an amazing short film.